Friday, May 18, 2012

Earl Gray Panna Cotta with Lemon Raspberry Sauce

It was sunny.  Tea seemed nice.  So did ice cream.  And pudding.  And popsicles.

This is what happened...

Earl gray infused panna cotta with raspberry sauce, and a hint of lemon, and lots of sunshine.

For the panna cotta:
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups heavy cream (or more of milk or cream but just 3 cups total, depends on how rich you want)
6 tbsp sugar (I used brown sugar, simply because it was what I had a lot of, I think regular would be better)
3-5 bags tea, I used earl gray
2 tsp gelatin, so 1 packet -1/4 tsp for the brand I used

Mix the milk and cream.  Heat 1 1/2 cups mixture and the sugar to just a simmer, add tea bags and let infuse for maybe 10-15 minutes.

Put other half cream/milk mixture in a bowl, sprinkle gelatin over it to bloom.  Then whisk!

Remove tea bags from milk/cream/sugar mixture.  Heat again to boiling, then whisk into the gelatin mixture to dissolve gelatin.  If it does not dissolve all gelatin, then heat the whole thing in a double boiler, whisking until dissolved.

Pour into molds, or ramekins.  I used a tea cake pan that had 12 spots, the mixture filled all 12, perfect!  I had leftover to fill 1 ramekin, too.

Let sit in refrigerator for at least 8 hours.  I just left mine overnight (it makes a good breakfast!)

To unmold use a towel and hot hot water.  I actually used a hairdryer a little bit, because the cake pan I used as a mold was super thick metal, so the hot water didn't get through the chill.  But on the ramekin the towel worked just fine.  If you're having trouble, run a knife around the outer edge, and with your hand on the panna cotta, jiggle it, you know, that made no sense...

Anyways, they are delicious!

For the raspberry sauce:
some raspberries, maybe 2 pints?
a lemon
some sugar
a bit of raspberry jam, seedless is good, not necessary though, just perhaps 1-2 tbsp
the leftover 1/4 tsp gelatin from above, or maybe more or less if you want

Puree raspberries.  Heat the puree in a pan with the jam.  Make it pretty hot, but not boiling or anything.

Taste it, add sugar to taste, remember there will be lemon too.  Let the sugar dissolve.  Stir.

Bloom gelatin in lemon juice.  Add to raspberry mixture.  Let melt and dissolve and all that.

Then let the whole thing cool.  If it is too thick, whisk in more lemon juice, or some simple syrup, depending on your tastes.

Serve the sauce over the panna cotta.  Garnish with mint or something, I didn't have anything pretty though...

(confession:  I ate mine right out of the mold for breakfast this morning...with leftover chocolate sauce... and the raspberry sauce...)

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